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Writing again

Written on 5/29/2020 and tagged: writing

It’s been a long time since I’ve written a personal blog post.

Sure, I write on Twitter a bunch and I’ve written a few things on my company’s blog—though, even over there it’s probably been a couple of years—but it’s been more than 10 years since I’ve written anything resembling a personal blog post.

So, here I go with a new blog post journal entry.

For the record, I think journal entry sounds a bit nicer; it’s probably my old age.

I’ve got a list of topics I aim to write about; some are personal, some are professional, some are technical, and some are silly. It’s really going to be all over the place, kind of like a messy (but hopefully well-written) brain dump.

I’m going to try like hell to write often and if you’d like to be notified when I do, there’s an ATOM feed you can subscribe to and I’ll spam my Twitter account, so go follow me.

P.S. It’s been a while and my writing muscle is weak, so please bear with me as I fumble with spelling, grammar, etc. Oh, also, this website is brand new, so it may have bugs and/or missing features that’ll get sorted over time.

Until I write again!