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My favorite music as of March 2021

Written on 3/16/2021 and tagged: favorite music

The artists, albums, and songs I can’t stop listening to … lately anyway.

Inspired by Joe’s An album a day project, I thought I’d do something similar that, uh, requires far less commitment: share what I’m listening to that’s on heavy rotation.

As I seem to have two– or three–month long cycles in which I discover new artists, albums, or songs to obsess over—and eventually tire of—I’m officially committing to doing this again (and again) in the future. It’ll become a series of some sort; every two or three months I’ll write a new entry that shares the music that I’ve been very into since the last entry.

This series will be tagged “favorite music”, which will make it easy to follow along.

George Clanton

George Clanton—that’s right, Clanton and not Clinton—has a handful of albums that range from very good to extremely perfect.

Listen to George Clanton on your favorite streaming service.

Cobra Man

With a name like that, how can you not be intrigued?

Listen to Cobra Man on your favorite streaming service.

That’s it for the first entry in this series. I genuinely look forward to writing another one once I discover new music to obsess over…